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Property Management Rate Schedule (Updated 8//2012)

  • Leasing Fee: There are no up-front costs to you. Unlike other companies, there is no charge to you unless we get your property leased. The leasing fee is a “flat rate” $595.00 which covers advertising, showing the home, screening prospective tenants, preparation of the Lease, and completing the Move-in checklist. You don’t pay anything until we have successfully leased your property.
  • Management Fee: The annual rate is 8% of the gross rent
    • Note: (most Property Management companies charge 10%-12%)
    • Example: $1,495/month rent x 12 months x 8% = $119.60/month
  • There are no setup fees, application, or other fees due from you.
  • Most companies charge a Leasing Fee of one full months’ rent, PLUS a Management Fee of 10% of the monthly rent.
    • Example:
    • Management Fee: $1,495/month x 10% = $149.50/month
    • Leasing Fee: 1 month’s rent = $1,495
  • Re-leasing to Existing Tenant: Our rate is a flat-fee of $100.00
    This is for negotiating and preparing a new lease agreement. We have found that most others charge 1⁄2 of 1 month’s rent. ($748.00 in our example below)

Here’s a comparison of our rates versus other companies:

PPS Rate

Leasing: $595

Management/mo: $120

Re-leasing fee: $100

Competing Companies

Leasing: $1,495 (the first month’s rent)

Management/mo: $150

Re-leasing fee: $748 (1/2 month’s rent)

Total 1 year savings (assumes $1495/month): $2108

Need More Information?

12 + 9 =

Owner Reference Documents

Click on a button below to view the PPS Homes, LLC rate schedule, download our "Preparing to Lease" pdf,  or if you are currently using PPS Homes, LLC, you can log into the Owner Services portal to view all your home leasing information.